Potent Stream Reviews

How has your urinary flow been lately? Have you noticed a drastic difference now compared to the early days? If so, this is a common occurrence among men. Aging is a main contributor to a disrupted urinary system. In addition to this unfortunate consequence, men’s prostate health changes. When enlarged, this gland restricts urine flow, preventing the kidneys from doing their assigned tasks.

As much as aging is problematic, one team came forward with another angle that might wreak havoc on the urinary system. This team believes that by overcoming the proposed angle, men will be liberated of impaired urine flow and everything else that comes with having an enlarged or poorly functioning prostate.

This review aims to provide a complete picture of PotentStream.

What is PotentStream?

Potent Stream is a dietary tincture aimed at promoting a healthy urinary system (and providing bladder control support) and maintaining optimal prostate function. The creators claim to have formulated this supplement with the potential risk that toxic, hard-water minerals may have in the body. Seeing as the prostate is involved, it should be obvious that PotentStream is tailored specifically for men’s health.

Now that the introduction is out of the way, our editorial team feels that it is important to assess the creators’ target: hard water minerals.

Try PotentStream now and experience the difference!

How does PotentStream work?

As noted earlier, PotentStream supplement aims to rid the body of hard water minerals. Hard water [1] (used synonymously to describe hard water minerals) is nothing more than highly concentrated water containing dissolved minerals (usually calcium, magnesium carbonates, chlorides, or sulfates). The hardness of water is determined by the milligrams of calcium carbonate per liter and is reported in parts per million (ppm). Water ranging between 60 and 120 ppm is considered moderately hard, whereas water greater than 120 ppm is considered hard.

So, what health implications surround the consumption of hard water? They are only concerned if the buildup is unacceptable. One source [2] that covered possible health implications argued that there might be some risk of kidney stone formation in terms of the urinary system. As minerals accumulate, they might interact with substances in the urine, resulting in their crystallization. When minerals become crystallized, that’s when kidney stones take form. Another source states,

In the past five decades or so, evidence has been accumulating about an environmental factor that appears to be influencing mortality, particularly cardiovascular mortality, which is the hardness of drinking water. In addition, several epidemiological investigations have demonstrated the relationship between risk for cardiovascular disease, growth retardation, reproductive failure, and other health problems and the hardness of drinking water or its content of magnesium and calcium. In addition, the acidity of the water influences the reabsorption of calcium and magnesium.

As for prostate health, the effect of hard water on its function has not been well documented. That said, preliminary research [3] suggests that long-term exposure might increase the risk of prostate cancer by triggering aggressive tumors. In light of the underlying mechanism, it’s time to see the extent to which the selected ingredients help with the urinary system and prostate health.

PotentStream official Website >>>

What’s in each PotentStream serving?

Each PotentStream serving (2 ml dropper) consists of a proprietary blend (500 mg) of:

Neem Oil

Neem is a tree native to the Indian subcontinent. Its leaves, flowers, seeds, fruit, roots, and bark have all been used for medicinal purposes. Historically, evidence exists for its ability to treat bile duct disorders and ulcers. Active compounds found in neem have a combined nutritional profile of antioxidant, antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antidiabetic, anti-inflammatory, and wound-healing properties. Neem also induces cell death in prostate cancer cells [4].

Saw Palmetto

Saw palmetto [5] is a palm tree native to the southeast regions of North America. Historically, the saw palmetto fruit has been used in Native Americans’ medicine as a diuretic, sedative, and aphrodisiac. Research on the effect of saw palmetto on overall wellness has been demonstrated to help treat enlarged prostates (a noncancerous condition called benign prostatic hyperplasia), increase urine flow, and reduce the frequency of nighttime urination in men, especially in those suffering from BPH.

In addition to the proprietary blend, there are:

Nori Yaki Extract Powder (10 mg)

Nori yaki extract powder [is made from dried Japanese edible seaweed. It is considered a superfood for its rich source of amino acids, beneficial minerals, and vitamins A and C. At the top of the list is its iodine content, a mineral best known for regulating the thyroid gland, which oversees metabolic function and immune function and possibly mitigating symptoms of fibrocystic breast disease. From the looks of it, Nori yaki extract powder Nori Yaki Extract Powder is esteemed for its ability to support prostate repair and maintain a healthy urinary system. If anything, the urinary system has a bigger role to play. More precisely, our urinary system helps regulate iodine levels by removing any found in excess [7]. That said, iodine’s role in regulating hormones might help maintain prostate health.

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Wakame Extract (10 mg), Kelp Powder (10 mg), & Bladderwrack Powder

Wakame extract [ is made from an edible sea vegetable. It is best known for its satiny texture and strong flavor. Nutritionally speaking, wakame boasts unique omega-3 fatty acids, iodine, manganese, folate, magnesium, calcium, copper, vitamin B2, and iron composition. Once again, its iodine content, like in the case of nori yaki, has the potential to regulate the thyroid gland, oversee immune function, and more. Given its omega-3 content, individuals can anticipate anti-inflammatory effects, thereby having some potential for regulating urinary and prostate functions.

In the latter case, the idea is that taming inflammation might favor prostate function, namely by inhibiting the growth of prostate cancer cells. Undoubtedly, more research is still warranted on this angle. It also has a heart-healthy ingredient, largely due to its vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. Regarding kelp and bladderwrack powders, both are made from dried brown sea algae, are high in iodine, and contain a similar nutritional profile as wakame. Therefore, its associated benefits are quite comparable [9].

Pomegranate Extract (5 mg)

Pomegranate extract [] is made from pomegranate fruit (a hard outer layer with a flesh of tiny fruit pebbles, so to speak). It is an excellent source of antioxidants, protecting cells from free radicals and oxidative stress. This property also makes it a fitting candidate for inhibiting inflammatory markers that eventually trigger a wide range of health consequences leading up to cancer. Its antibacterial properties might improve wound healing by eradicating bacteria and promoting collagen, DNA, and protein synthesis. Other studied effects include healthy blood flow, heart health, and blood pressure.

Considering these benefits, one that stood out to our editorial team is the pomegranate’s role in improving blood flow. According to one source [], this is a key component of the urinary system. Why? The kidneys filter blood and remove waste and excess water, which exit the body as urine. The blood flow rate dictates the rate at which the kidney does the necessary waste removal – which also influences blood pressure.

A similar analogy can be used for prostate health as well. The better the blood flow, the more likely essential nutrients will be delivered to the prostate, ensuring normal functioning. The lack thereof could be a contributing factor to inflammation and BPH [].

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Shilajit Extract (5 mg)

Shilajit extract [] is made from a sticky substance found on Himalayan rocks. It is one of many staples in Indian Ayurvedic medicine for overall wellness. So far, studies that explored its functionality argued that it could potentially prevent or slow Alzheimer’s disease, increase testosterone levels in men, treat long-term tiredness, prolong aging, and protect cells from free radicals (thanks to its rich source of fulvic acid antioxidant), and support heart health, among others. According to another source [], this Shilajit extract ingredient might also rejuvenate the urinary tract and ensure strong kidney and urinary functions; however, the exact mechanism of these three are achieved is unclear.

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